Thursday, March 31, 2011

Travel Switzerland

Resor Schweiz

Switzerland is one of the most wanted after holidaying destination in Europe. Blessed with amazing beauty of the nature, inspirational environment, magnificent travel destinations blessed with awesome attractions, Switzerland is globally acclaimed as the Paradise on Earth. On Switzerland trip explore and see some of the most stunning attractions, whose charm and beauty are beyond visual and verbal descriptions. Almost all the places in Switzerland are incredibly beautiful and you will hardly love to miss anyone of them. Among the many some of the most astounding and are most and must visited by the tourists from across the world are listed underneath


One of the major and globally much-admired cities of the world, Zurich is one of the most well-liked destinations visited by tourists in a large number on trip to Switzerland. Endowed with several magnetizing attractions, historical, cultural and natural sports, Zurich provides wonderful and pleasant travel experince in Switzerland. Some of the major attractions that are listed below are:

Regensberg, Andelfingen
Johanna Spyri Museum
Coninx Museum
ETH Geological and Mineral Collection
Lenin House, St.Peter Church


Geneva the second largest city in Switzerland is one of the prominent tourism intention often referred as the Capital of Peace as most of the top international meeting, treaties are singed here. Since long time Geneva was noted internationally for international organization meeting, but now it is also the preferential and prominent tours and travel destination, now visited by tourists from all over the world. Some of the chief attractions and destinations that you must not miss to visit are:

Museum of Contemporary Art
The Palace of Nations, The Ariana Musee
Martin Bodmer, Patek Philippe Museum
The Baur Collections, Botanical Gardens,
Cathedrale de St-Pierre, River Cruises
Geneva Beach, Batiment des Forces Motrices
Vivarium Elapsoidea, La Batie Festival


The capital city of Switzerland, Barn is a magnificent city with plenty of amazing attractions and destinations, which are beyond visual and verbal descriptions. Some of the prominent attractions listed below are:

Bear Pit, Cathedral Clock
Einstein Clock, Zoological Gardens
Historical Museum of Bern, Collection of Classical Antiquities
Bern Art Gallery, Gurten, Kornhaus
Alongside these there are many other tours and travel destinations in Switzerland which are value to visit and explore. St. Moritz, Lausanne, Zermatt, Mountreux, Interlaken, Lucerne, etc are few to name which are also the famed travel destinations in Switzerland. Apart from these, the amiable cool climatic, blissful ambiance, welcoming people, yummy delicacies and the world class accommodation faciliies, truly make the Switzerland trips truly remarkable and an experince of lifetime to relish in forever.


Limousine in Zurich

Smekm�nad i Schweiz!

Wooh det �r dr�mmen resm�l av de m�nga tusentals nygiftapar. Schweiz har en idealisk inramning av naturliga underverk och �r v�lsignad med fridoch ger ensamhet f�r nygifta par, som �r m�ste f�r smekm�nad fest k�nna varandrak�nsla och k�nslor. Globalt hyllad f�r sin hisnande vackra natur, storslagna sn�t�cktaberg, vackra landskap, or�rda sj�ar, alpina byar, gr�na �ngar med blommandeblommor, kolossala och v�lordnade historiska monument och byggnader, etc, �rSchweiz enligt honeymooner paradis

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