Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cancer Treatment

What we called Cancer

is a disease in which a crowd of cells start to grow uncontrollably. Cancer cells occupy and infect the cells in adjacent tissues and sometimes multiply inside the body using lymph or blood. Most of the cancers form tumor except in case of leukemia. The cancer tumors are different from the benign tumors. The benign tumors do not invade or spread through the body. Oncology is the branch of medical science that deals with study, diagnosis and cure of Cancer. The Cancer can happen at any age. However, the risk factor of having cancer increases with the age. Cancer is caused due to indecent changes in the genetic material of the transformed cells. The abnormalities in the genetic material occur due to radiation, Tobacco smoke, chemicals and infectious agents. The other two reasons are; mistake in DNA replication and hereditary. Cancer is a disease known to men from the earliest time. The cure for Cancer has always remained hard to pin down. However, in the modern times, with host of technically advanced treatment methods, the medical fraternity has achieved to cure a few of the cancers and prolong the patient life for most of the Cancer ailments.

The deep facts of metastasis or the process of Cancer spreading in the body has helped the doctors chalk out plans to restrict the infected Cancer cells. The lumpectomy or elimination of the cancer infected tumor is carried out initially. Once the preponderance of the Cancerous cells are removed from the body; radiation therapy and chemotherapy are used to restrict the spread of Cancer cells and to kill those few remaining after the operation. The modern day medical science employs various types of Cancer


The Cryosurgery is used to treat prostate cancer by freezing the cells with metal probe. The hormone remedy is one popular method to fight against cancer. Molecular Targeted Drugs are used to stop the growth and spread of Cancer. It is a cancer treatmentprocess in which these drugs interact with the cancer cells and destroy them. The Photo dynamic therapy of cancer is a modern cancer treatment

In this case, special type of drug and light is used to destroy the cancer cells. These drugs are light sensitive and produces a form of oxygen when interact with light. This oxygen kills the cancer cells and stops cancer from spreading. The human immune system has the capacity to fight Cancer and to minimize the side effects. The Biological therapy utilizes this property of the immune system to minimize cancer cell growth, to kill the cancer cells and to prevent the cancer cells from spreading.
Chemotherapy is the widely used

 Cancer treatment.
Chemotherapy is used to destroy Cancer cells using cytotoxic drugs. The cytotoxic drugs change rapidly dividing cells, the signature of Cancerous cells. The combination chemotherapy uses two or more drugs concurrently for the treatment. The technical advancement and knowledge of up to date biology are changing the process of Cancer treatment. Angiogenesis, Signal Transduction and Genetic therapy are the new and evolving processes of Cancer treatment.

Alternative Cervical Cancer Treatment

Hypnosis can give you instant unbelievable change of mentality. It can give the positive you necessitate now. While doctors work hard on your physical body, you really need to work hard in your mind, your thoughts and get rid of all the negativity to give every possibility of survival. If you really think he believes everything that comes into your life, then you really know the power of your mind and how your mind can have a major power on the recovery of their illness.

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