Friday, December 31, 2010

Kim Kardashian Before After Lip Injections

Kim Kardashian has been the subject of numerous plastic surgery rumors during her time in the public eye, in fact we've pretty much covered all of it, including the breast implants, butt implants, nose job, and of course the only actual confirmed procedure, botox injections, which she featured on her reality show.

And its no secret that Kim K has a fabulously bountiful pair of lush lips, which has also been the target of cosmetic enhancement speculation.

Many blogs are using this before and after photo as a viable comparison, justifying the enhancement of Ms. Kardashian's lips, however I'm not fully sold on the idea. Kim has been quoted as saying...
I think lip injections look very fake and bad and I wouldn't want to kiss anyone with stuff in their lips, so I wouldn't do it to myself.
With that being said, her lips are noticeably fuller in the after photo, but not drastically, like we tend to see with lip injections or implants.

One thing that is quite clear with Kim Kardashian, she tends to go way overboard with her use of makeup, and it also looks like she is applying too much lip gloss plumper. Which pretty much solves this lip injection/implant rumor.

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